THE SEVENTH CONTINENT / 60 Films For Ever 9.2022
Dimitri Athanitis chooses 60 films from 120 years of cinema
Overturning Cinema History
Overturning Cinema History

"Thousands of films have been made. But there are few that go beyond the simple telling of a story. There are few that have a specific cinematography, a personal look. Those that create a new world. These, which are real cinema. Films with strong stories, with a personal style, with extraordinary characterss. Films that unite the dream with reality,
the conscious with the unconscious, films that have magic.
The main body in "Seventh Continent" consists of films by creative directors, with strong personal worlds. But next to them, there are also films that a magic moment came
to compose them, often out of nowhere".
The history (and) of cinema must be rewritten, because it is not only the past but mainly the present that has been distorted, leading it to the unfathomable void, the absence of vision, aesthetics. The book bypasses categorizations and clichéd opinions, which international criticism has been ruminating on for decades now. Next to a Visconti film, you will find a considered b-movie but with a similar underground charm and, above all, uplift.
"The Seventh Continent" is absolutely original, as a concept, style, content. No genres, no categories, no chonologies.
Overturns the cinematic values as they were formed 60 years ago and consolidated. Overturns the cliche with the choices she makes, the way she treats them and also with what she omits.